General Meetings, AGMs and Elections
Annual General Meetings (AGMs)
An Annual General Meeting is the main General Meeting which is called towards the end of Term 2 each year. During this meeting:
- The Exec will present a report on the year's activities, including our shows, hires, trainings, socials and finance. They will also discuss any notable achievements and changes that took place.
- The society will discuss and vote on motions (changes to the society or Constitution) that they believe would lead to the improvement of the society.
- Following presentations from each candidate, the society will vote on the new Exec for the upcoming year.
More information about General Meetings can be found in Article 4 of the constitution.
Applying for an Exec Position
To apply for an Exec Position, you must nominate yourself on the Warwick SU Website once elections are open. You can optionally provide a manifesto, which will be shown to everyone who votes online (this may be particularly useful if someone does not attend the AGM).
During the AGM, you will have the opportunity to present a speech on why you should run for the position. If you are not able to attend, you may submit a speech for someone to read out on your behalf, attend remotely (e.g. on Discord), or submit a video in advance.
Tech Crew 2025 Elections are open and can be found on the SU Elections Page.
Motions can be proposed by any standard member of the society as long as they are seconded by another standard member. There are two ways to submit a motion:
- Submit a motion in writing no less than one week before the General Meeting by emailing this to [email protected].
- Submit a motion verbally at the General Meeting